
2023-10-03 21:41




如senior bookⅰ,unit 3 中的“help!help!”,可按发展顺序设计几幅救落水儿童的图,但只给学生展示第一、二两幅图,图画的内容大致与课文内容相同,但是后几幅的空白,使学生必须通过创造性的想象才能填补材料的空白。学生可以引用课文中的材料,也可以自由发挥。有学生这样写到:

last week, we had a picnic in forest park. we found a shady place by theriver. as soon as we had sat down, tom suddenly got up and shouted, “someone hasfallen into the river!" it was true. a boy was struggling in the water, and thechildren in a boat looked hopeless. tom and jack took off their shoes whilerunning to wards the water. they swam very quickly towards the boy who wassinking fast. tom and jack got hold of the boy by the arms and lifted his headabove the water. together they pulled the boy to the shore.

之后,再给学生展示其中一幅图,或一句话的情景:……,a man/a woman/a child, etc. has fallen into theriver/the lake,etc.……。让学生自由选择自由发挥。有的根据曾在报上看到的新闻,称颂一身怀六甲的妇女勇救落水儿童的事迹,也有的谴责那些对落水者无动于衷的旁观者。学生的作文体裁记叙文、议论文不限。这样,既训练了他们书面的表达能力,又发挥了他们的想象和创造能力、思维表达能力。同时也让他们思索了做人的道理。


处于英语作文起步阶段的学生的想象具有直观性,片面性和模仿性的特点,为其提供的观察材料越具体、越完整、越详实,他们的这些特点往往表现得越明显,有时甚至强化了他们的这些特点。换个方式,为他们提供一些抽象的图画,他们的创造想象反而被激活,因为他们必须在原有的图画上进行创造才可能有新的形象产生。而“抽象画作品所表现的物象与参照物相差甚远,它最大限度地把形与色对视觉作用的潜力发挥出来,直观效果非常强烈。它经过夸张、简化、分解、组合等变化手段,将客观事物的表象创造成为富于想象力。”如荷兰画家蒙德里安的表达百老汇街道的嘈杂与热闹的《百老汇爵士》(jazzin broadway)是一幅看上去比较抽象的图画,学生通过观察、运用合理的想象,写出了内容各异的作品。


it is the downtown of shanghai. the streets, such as nanjing road andhuaihai road, etc are busy. cars, buses and trucks with all kinds ofadvertisements are running. people dressed in their best are walking happily orhurrying to work on their bikes. beautifully decorated stores are crowded withpeople shopping. they all look in high spirits. the traffic policemen at thecrossings are directing the traffic attentively and seriously. everything is ingood order. such is our city. i love our city.

而另有学生在他们的作文中认为这是一个“排污系统”(drain outlet system )或电路板(circuit board)或房屋平面图(aplane figure of a house)等等。



