so far的同义词
so far的同义词释义1:到目前为止by now,until now释义2:到现在from up to now still同义词辨析
at the same time的同义词
at the same time的同义词释义1:同时in the meantime,simultaneous释义2:然而however同义词辨析
lookafter的同义词释义1:照顾take care of,attend to释义2:打理to sort out同义词辨析
a lot的同义词
a lot的同义词释义1:许多lots of,quite a few释义2:非常very much同义词辨析lots of 许多
be made up of的同义词
be made up of的同义词释义1:由…组成consist of,be composed of释义2:构成make up同义词辨析
what about的同义词
what about的同义词释义1:怎么样how about,what do you think of释义2:对于...怎样how do you like
at first的同义词
at first的同义词释义1:最初first of all,firstly释义2:开始的时候in the beginning同义词辨析
thank you的同义词
thank you的同义词释义1:谢谢appreciate sth,express your gratitude释义2:感谢thanks同义词辨析
on foot的同义词
on foot的同义词释义1:步行walk,by foot释义2:散步hoof同义词辨析walk v. 走路指除跑、跳以外的通过双足交替运动而使身体移动的动作。
think of的同义词
think of的同义词释义1:想想think over,think about释义2:考虑give attention to同义词辨析