序号 | 学校名称 | 录取批次 | 专业名称 | 位次 |
1 | 山东畜牧兽医职业学院 | 2段 | 畜禽智能化养殖 | 430400 |
2 | 日照职业技术学院 | 2段 | 钢铁冶金设备维护 | 430396 |
3 | 东营科技职业学院 | 2段 | 电气自动化技术 | 430737 |
4 | 枣庄职业学院 | 2段 | 计算机应用技术 | 430379 |
5 | 山东信息职业技术学院 | 2段 | 集成电路技术 | 430199 |
6 | 潍坊护理职业学院 | 2段 | 护理 | 430183 |
7 | 潍坊护理职业学院 | 2段 | 中医养生保健 | 430563 |
8 | 枣庄科技职业学院 | 2段 | 护理 | 430408 |
9 | 烟台南山学院 | 2段 | 护理 | 430573 |
10 | 泰山护理职业学院 | 2段 | 中医康复技术 | 430318 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
18 | 荆州理工职业学院 | 2段 | 电子竞技运动与管理 | 430303 |
19 | 西安明德理工学院 | 2段 | 工业机器人技术 | 430761 |
20 | 湖南石油化工职业技术学院 | 2段 | 工业过程自动化技术 | 431113 |
21 | 黑龙江生态工程职业学院 | 2段 | 无人机应用技术 | 430821 |
22 | 昆明冶金高等专科学校 | 2段 | 应用化工技术 | 430975 |
23 | 上海中侨职业技术大学 | 2段 | 计算机应用技术 | 430425 |
24 | 郑州旅游职业学院 | 2段 | 计算机网络技术 | 430869 |
25 | 西安信息职业大学 | 2段 | 现代通信技术 | 430410 |
26 | 西南交通大学希望学院 | 2段 | 现代物流管理 | 430417 |
27 | 南充文化旅游职业学院 | 2段 | 酒店管理与数字化运营 | 430728 |
Our commitment for developing is to be “a national top-tier independent college of applied technology that builds upon the demand of markets by standing on the western China with a nationwide vision”. In doing so and to realize the modern integrated experimental training center covering the disciplines of rail transit, civil engineering and business, we will unremittingly optimize our teaching plans, course system and teaching contexts, consolidating our practical teaching section. With rail transit as the core discipline, civil engineering as the supporting and business disciplines as extension, our developing philosophy has given the priority to multi-discipline development. As an independent institute built on the glorious legacy of Southwest Jiaotong University and employing her education resources, we adhere to make innovative joint endeavor for disciplinary development with her national and provincial featured disciplines, national and provincial experimental teaching demonstration centers, together with off-campus bases for training and interning. We stay focused on the path of unique development, and strengthen the cooperation with Chengdu Metro, JD.com. Inc., and Hope Group, enhancing students’ professional skills and innovation ability, therefore, the solid cultivation on applied personnel is central to our purpose. In the meantime, we have made proactive cooperation on international education. Up till now, Vistula University, Poland, and us are working in partnership to provide our students with the convenient approach of overseas studying. We will maintain our long-standing commitment to foster high-quality professional and technical personnel with international competitiveness.
示范引领好。学校以深厚的办学积淀、鲜明的办学特色,立足祖国西南边陲,服务国家和云南省发展战略。育训创并举育英才,产学研一体促产业转型升级。学校以 “双高计划”为契机,建设中国特色高水平高职学校,面向澜湄区域和南亚东南亚输出中国职教品牌。